In case you haven’t been able to tell, it’s really, really dead today. It’s so dead I’m sitting here, trying to think of which couple I would really like to announce their split. The other night, I had a dream that Nicole Kidman filed for divorce from Keith Urban, and I got so excited by the gossip-potential that I woke myself up. Seriously.

So it’s not like we have any new Tom Hiddleston photos. I’m just doing this because I know from previous experience that Hiddleston gets a lot of love in these parts. So these are some older photos of Tom over the past year. He’s very cute. I think I might like him more with the goatee, honestly. It makes him look older – when he’s clean-shaven, he just seems too “clean” and sweet.

In a LaineyGossip post earlier this week, Lainey noted that Hiddleston speaks Spanish rather well, which was something I didn’t know. I knew Hiddleston was a good mimic, but apparently he’s also multilingual. Some examples:

Hiddleston speaking Spanish:

Hiddleston speaking French (this is my favorite!):

Hiddleston speaking Greek (this is my second favorite!). There’s bonus Benedict Cumberbatch in here (they were promoting War Horse):

Apparently, Hiddleston speaks Latin and Italian too. Love the lovely polygot.

Photos courtesy of WENN.
